I recently worked on a TypeScript & React frontend with some unusual feature requirements; things that go beyond basic CRUD forms and user interactions. To test these features I often found myself needing either: Precise control over when a set…
This is a quick cliff notes of two blog posts I discovered while trying to figure out how to: Establish a connection to a (SQLite3) database via ActiveRecord outside of a Rails application. Run migrations to establish a base contents…
I started trying to answer questions on stackoverflow today. It’s a new thing so that’s exciting unto itself but I came across this question that made me feel there was something worth blogging about. To recap if you’re “too focused…
This is the first developer conference I’ve attended in my 10+ year career. First of many I hope, but I’m a little excited over all. Looking forward to learning a ton, especially after an invigorating opening keynote from @dhh. I…
Some irony for you today. This is how new project ideas go for me: I’ve got an awesome idea, I should build that! Better download the latest version of ruby. Better install the latest version of rails. Better write a…
My Love/Hate Relationship with Ruby on Rails
I love Ruby as a programming language. I first discovered Ruby after having been a Java developer for almost a decade. This was long before Java introduced closures so Ruby’s blocks and iterator methods like #each and #map were a…